Google: The Surveillance State of the Art?

Big Brother EarthStill using Google, gmail, and now Google+?  I’m not.  Google seems to have inverted its motto, “Don’t be evil” and has been engaging in wholesale collection of data it gathers on its users and is now polluting what was once its premier product, its search engine, with commercialized, proprietary garbage. This has been going on for some time but many people still do not seem to be aware of it. See The Guardian’s “Google ‘improperly’ accessed Kenyan rival Mocality’s database” and read The Case Against Google for a comprehensive argument against using Google by Mat Honan on, both written in 2012.

Google was taken to court in a class action suit in 2013 regarding its intrusive data-gathering practices, a case that it lost.  In a victory for online privacy, an article on Consumer entitled, ““Gmail Judge Holds Internet Accountable To Wiretap Laws In Key Consumer Victory” sums up the ruling against Google thusly:

“This is a historic step for holding Internet communications subject to the same privacy laws that exist in the rest of society. The court rightly rejected Google’s tortured logic that you have to accept intrusions of privacy if you want to send email,” said John M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s Privacy Project Director. “The ruling means federal and state wiretap laws apply to the Internet.  It’s a tremendous victory for online privacy. Companies like Google can’t simply do whatever they want with our data and emails.” Read the decision here:

Google may be involved in much more than anyone might have imagined, and its influence/involvement may likely far exceed data collection. For a very disturbing examination of the larger issues of what Google may be involved in politically, see Google is Not What it Seems for a 2014 Newsweek article containing an excerpt of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange’s book, “When Google Met Wikileaks” regarding Eric Schmidt, previous Google CEO.

After reading these articles, you may agree that Google has abandoned its motto and is now being evil by its own definition as well as by that of many of its erstwhile users.  This is an example of the kind of dismissal of ethics endemic in capitalism, where profit trumps all, and is the larger lesson we need to learn from this betrayal.  Some of us would argue that a system predicated on profit is inherently corrupt, self-serving, and, well, evil.  It is no small matter that the NSA spying has been piggybacking off information gathered by tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Apple and why these corporations need to be held accountable.  But even more disturbing, Google may be involved behind the scenes in larger world events.  This is why We the People need to take back control of our government and rein in these corporations who think they are “people” so that we can again have some privacy as well as some say in our lives.

Join the Internet Vote on April 23!

A Message from Fight for the Future:

“Congress is trying to make sure the public doesn’t have a voice in negotiations around the Trans-Pacific Partnership. They’re trying to “Fast Track” the secret deal, threatening our Internet and our democracy. Fight back by joining the Internet Vote on April 23rd. Together we will use the power of the Web to demand transparency and give people everywhere a voice against censorship.

Twitter is one of our most powerful platforms for making sure decision makers know we’re paying attention. Join our campaign on Twitter and help keep the Internet free of censorship.
Join with Twitter

The TPP would be a nightmare for Internet users everywhere — here are a few articles about the worst parts.

  • Force sites to remove allegedly infringing content from the web without a court order — similar to SOPA.
  • Create harsh criminal penalties for journalists and whistleblowers.
  • Punish Internet users who share copyrighted material, even without any personal gain.
  • Limit Fair Use to make copyright even more restrictive on creative innovation.

There are a lot of other reasons groups oppose the TPP beyond its impact on the free and open Internet. You can find out more information about those reasons at

We need to be as big and visible as possible to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership — that’s the only way we can win this fight. We all need to get as many people in our audiences, readerships, and communities motivated to do something. We can make this powerfully epic, but only if you help. Companies need to be the frontrunners, leaders, and heroes on this because we’ve seen time and time again with SOPA, Reset The Net, and net neutrality that it’s the key ingredient to raising the bar and making sure everyone goes big.

Time is short — Congress is introducing a bill to Fast Track the TPP in the coming weeks, so we need to act now.

The TPP is the kind of bad legislation that only comes along once every 10 or 20 years. It has pieces of every bad Internet policy we’ve fought against, and if it passes now we’ll be kicking ourselves for decades, fighting uphill battle after uphill battle on copyright reform, whistleblower protections, and so much more. Doing the most we can right now is the only rational step to protecting the open Internet.”

To join the fight go to:

Ferguson – The Police State Exposed

Ferguson simply has exposed what has been happening for many years now in the wake of the Patriot Act, NDAA 2012, HR 347, which transformed our republic into a police state and stripped us of our Fourth Amendment rights. Thanks to the military-industrial complex, which makes billions off endless wars, we now have militarized police forces as well, armed to the teeth with weapons of war. See:

Protesters nationwide hope to transform their anger into change and secure the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. See Ferguson Protesters Hope To Transform Anger Into Change, and a quick look at social media offers insight into what people are thinking. Check out Twitter hashtags #sandydarity, #justicefor mike #protestpoliceviolence, #FergusonSyllabus, and Twitter handles and @ryjareilly. For more information, see the Atlantic Magazine, 8-25-14 article by Marcia Chatelan “Ferguson is on the Syllabus:”

As far as the justice system response goes, Prosecutor McCullough may likely be using the grand jury as a “delaying tactic” to absolve a guilty police officer of shooting Mike Brown on the street of Ferguson, Mo near where he lived with his parents. Officer Darren Wilson will tell his tale to the grand jury and no doubt there will be no trained opposing force who will challenge his story.

According to Bill Simpich, an Oakland attorney and the 2003 Public Justice Trial Lawyer of the year, the 5th Amendment mandates the federal government to use the grand jury in capital cases, but he states that “it has fallen into disfavor over time and become an essential element of the New Jim Crow”. Simpich believes that “only a new civil rights movement can end this abuse of power.” This is part of a systemic problem that only can be corrected by putting the People back in charge of our government instead of a corrupt police state run by warmongering mega-corporations who care only about profits, not the human rights of an unarmed teenager.

Net Neutrality: A First Amendment Right

Net Neutrality is a First Amendment right issue and fundamental to a democracy that is supposed to be of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE.  We cannot allow the FCC to adopt rules that allow corporations to exercise ever more control by imposing a “pay to play” mentality on Internet use.  If the new pay-for-priority rules are allowed to stand, it will allow Internet Service Providers to discriminate against smaller users, impose new fees, and even proscribe content.See: and

It may surprise some to know that it is the DEMOCRATS on the FCC who, while questioning the repercussions and noting the public outcry, have voted for this rule.  We are living in an ever more Kafkaesque world where what actually is true is the opposite of what appears to be true. While proclaiming his support of Net Neutrality, President Obama appoints a former telecom lobbyist to the FCC, who in turn vows to protect Net Neutrality, while doing precisely the opposite.This dark irony is intensified by the fact that Wheeler replaces the former FCC Chair, Michael Powell (a Clinton appointee), who now works for NCTA (National Cable & Telecommunications Association) in a corporate/governmental revolving door so typical of corrupt Washington politics.

The FCC ruling is another clear expansion of corporate rule and related to the abuse of the Bill of Rights by the application of the fallacious legal doctrines of corporate “personhood” and money as “speech.”  If net neutrality is destroyed, we lose our last bastion of free speech and free press:  the free and open Internet.  We must not allow this to happen.  In order to have true Net Neutrality, broadband needs to be reclassified as telecommunications and the Internet as a public utility so it may be appropriately regulated and big cable and telecom companies don’t monopolize and control it.

It’s Time to Defend Net Neutrality: Tell the FCC What you Think of its Proposed Regulations

Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand . . .

Frederick Douglass’ statement that, “Power concedes nothing without a demand, it never has and it never will” is very applicable to the current War on Women going on in the states and in Washington, and this statement by an abortion provider, who quotes Douglass, beautifully sums up the reasoning behind abortion on demand and without apology.
Stop Patriarchy · You know, oppressors don’t respond to polite…

The core issue is women’s human right to bodily sovereignty and to make decisions regarding their lives. The radical fundamentalist religious right behind the war on women’s bodies is fueled by the misogynist notion that women are still somehow chattel, owned by the patriarchal culture-at-large, which in turn is perpetuated and inordinately influenced by the fundamentalist Christian church.

The idea of ownership is at the heart of the oppression expressed by their virulent antagonism to women’s agency and autonomy under the hypocritical mask of opposition to abortion and now birth control. Women’s human rights, the right to privacy, and the separation of church and state are all at risk in this War on Women as the larger aim of this radical group is to turn the country into a theocracy that is not only hellbent on male supremacy, but on doing away with all rights to privacy and self-determination by imposing their narrow views on every aspect of our lives.

For a report on the damage theocrats in congress are doing to our civil liberties, see:

February 11 – The Day We Fought Back

Yesterday we fought back against mass surveillance! Electronic Frontier Foundation, Demand Progress, the ACLU, Reddit, Credo, Greenpeace, Fight for the Future, Roots Action, Mozilla, Tumblr, and many, many other organizations banded together for a day to deluge the Congress with phone calls and emails letting them know that we WILL NOT tolerate being spied upon by our government, nor by major corporations seeking to exploit us.

This is an ongoing fight that we must win! You can still take action at:

No Forced Pregnancy! In Defense of Choice

The War on Women being waged in Washington and in the States is an attack on women‘s lives, bodily sovereignty, autonomy, and agency.  This year marks the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade and we will NOT GO BACK to the days of illegal abortions!  Women are not brood mares, incubators, or chattel and abortion is a woman’s choice, and hers alone.  We vehemently reject the incursions of the radical religious right into our bedrooms and the legislation of our bodies to fit the fundamentalist Christian worldview and we will not sit by and see our basic human rights eroded by those who would coerce us into unwanted childbearing.

“Motherhood by Choice, Not Chance,” directed by Oscar-nominated, Emmy-winning filmmaker Dorothy Fadiman, is a new film celebrating the freedom of choice ushered in by the cherished 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.  To watch this quality film, and the abortion rights trilogy, “FROM the BACK-ALLEYS to the SUPREME COURT & BEYOND” go to:

The Power of Choice Project

New York Times and the Guardian Calling for Clemency for Snowden

Both the Guardian  and the New York Times published editorials this week calling for Obama to offer Snowden clemency! (See also the Huffington Post for a good synopsis). This is much-heralded news by the activist community for whom Snowden has become a cause celebre for civil liberties and right to privacy and for much of the public who recognize him as a whistleblower and consider him a hero and a patriot.

Snowden’s revelations have resulted in extensive outrage and worldwide demonstrations and have brought the issue of the surveillance state into the light of day so that it can finally be examined and debated by the public.  We at OCV are very grateful to him for this selfless act.  Our position is that Snowden not only did our nation and the world an incredible service, and that he not only should not be charged with a crime, he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, earning it far more than Barack Obama, and that his leaking of governmental and corporate malfeasance in the face of such personal risk reveals his principled character and high-minded motives. This stands in stark contrast to the utter lack of scruples evidenced by NSA officials such as James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, who told bold-faced lies to Congress, denying what we now know to be true:  that we have been subjected to widespread surveillance that has vacuumed up all manner of electronic data on all Americans and that heads of state, allies, and foreign governments have been spied upon as well.

Exposing intrusive, unconstitutional, and even criminal activity of renegade agencies and corporations SHOULD NOT BE A CRIME, nor should these entities be able to operate in secret, while citizens have no privacy.  This is a reversal of the way a democratic society should function, where the citizenry have a constitutional right to privacy while the government has a duty to be transparent and open. But surveillance is a given in a country whose democracy has been subverted as has ours by corporate interests like Booz Allen Hamilton  who receive government contracts for cybersecurity and whose personnel are cycled through the Washington revolving door and are essentially getting corporate welfare to spy on the very citizens who pay the taxes that pay their salaries.

Chris Hedges, who formerly reported for the New York Times as an investigative reporter, calls an ultra-secret government run by Wall Street and the corporate criminal class an inverse totalitarian state in his book, “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt,” as we are now living in a country where the corporate world is running the government, enabled by a Supreme Court which has ruled corporations are “persons” and money is “speech.”

From Wikipedia:

“In Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt  by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco, inverted totalitarianism is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. In inverted totalitarianism, every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse and the citizenry are lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in their government by excess consumerism and sensationalism.”

Much has been made of the recent brouhaha tech giants Google, Microsoft, Apple, and others have made of the back-door penetration of their networks by the surveillance state (see Tech Industry Leaders Recent Meeting with Obama), but this is mere posturing, as their interest is in their bottom line, certainly not the privacy of consumers or users of the Internet and their products. Google has been building psychological profiles of its users for some time: and there is Hidden Corporate Cash Behind America’s Out-of-Control National Surveillance State .

Chris Hedges was let go from the New York Times because of his unswerving devotion to reporting the truth and we sincerely hope that this editorial is a sign that the New York Times is becoming more willing to risk speaking truth to power and covering issues important to the 99%.  It is our fervent wish that Snowden’s revelations continue to cause a ripple effect throughout all levels of our society and that it results in government and corporate surveillance being heavily curtailed and monitored so that we can again live in a freer, democratic state wherein our civil liberties and right to privacy are respected as inviolable human rights.


We are thrilled to learn that the brave activists who risked their lives and freedom in their efforts to save the Arctic as well as the two members of the punk protest band Pussy Riot have been granted amnesty by the Russian Parliament along with thousands of other prisoners!

We want to thank activists worldwide who stood up in protest to the outrageous arrest and imprisonment of Pussy Riot for nearly two years for exercising their freedom of speech and activists who protested the seizing of the Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise, and false, trumped-up charges of “piracy” with which these courageous people have been charged and held for the past four months. There were 860 protests in 46 countries, and more than 2.6 million people emailing the Russian embassy according to Greenpeace.

The sad truth we are left with in the case of the Arctic is that drilling is set to begin any day, and the fight to preserve freedom of speech is ongoing so we must persevere and fight on.  Although this move was likely a calculated one aimed at appeasing world opinion prior to the 2014 Sochi Olympics, this is a moment to celebrate and send thanks to activists and the Russian Parliament for ending this injustice!